What is Portman Family Hub?
A family hub is an open door public access to children and families. We are the community face of early help for children 0-19 and their families in the North East locality. We are the lead and co-ordinator of a partnership of services across the North East Locality
Services currently delivered from Portman:
Nursery School (2yrs -5yrs)
Breakfast and after-school club and holiday play schemes, supports working parents, those in education and training, those in need of additional support.
Drop-in/stay and play – an open access community provision of learning, advice and support for children and families; parents and children playing and learning together, addressing social isolation, incorporating light touch, workshop-based, parenting support for 2 yr olds (‘My Two Year Old and Me’), under 1’s, baby massage, child health clinics, breastfeeding support, speech and language difficulties support, access to a CAMHS therapist, etc.
Video Interactive Guidance (VIG) – Sally HRHB + Julie CAMHS
Parents as Partners group (WCC)
Midwifery – pre and postnatal
Children’s Centre Outreach and Family Support
Individual family support/lead professional support for families
Volunteer co-ordination
Volunteers – 0-19 – new service run by Family Lives
Teen Positive – Family Lives
Citizens Advice Bureau – advice services
ESOL/English classes + crèche
Numerous Health services – child health clinics led by a health visitor, developmental checks, breastfeeding support, ante-natal classes etc.
TWF – therapeutic groups for children and mothers who have experienced domestic abuse
Solace rape crisis counselling
HomeStart psychotherapy
Links to and with: WCC Early Help teams, WCC Children’s Social Care, WCC Parenting groups
Employment services